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What are the characteristics of beach wool faux fur fabric?

Apr 07/2023 / news / Author: DongJing

Characteristics of beach wool faux fur fabric.
Faux fur fabric is a synthetic material that mimics the appearance and texture of real animal fur. Some common characteristics of faux fur include:
Softness: Faux fur is typically designed to feel soft and plush, with a tactile texture that resembles real fur.
Durability: Synthetic fibers used in faux fur are often more durable than natural fur, making it a practical choice for garments and accessories that are subject to wear and tear.
Versatility: Faux fur can be made in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing designers to create a variety of looks.
Easy care: Faux fur is often machine washable or dry cleanable, making it easier to care for than real fur.