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Artificial fur application and its prospect

Jun 09/2022 / news / Author: DongJing

Apparel fabrics: At present, the main application field of artificial fur is the field of clothing. Knitted artificial fur can not only imitate the luxurious and noble style of natural fur such as otter fur, beaver fur, mink fur, leopard print, etc., but also express the style of leisure and individuality that natural fur cannot express. Due to its relatively low price, variable styles, diverse styles and bright colors, artificial fur can meet the needs of most consumers for many types of clothing, and its application in the field of children's clothing is also increasing.
Decorative use: The earliest artificial fur used in interior decorations is used in carpets. Due to the high price, it is difficult to promote. Designing large rugs into smaller shaped bathroom ottomans, bedside mats is attractive, and can also be used for upholstery upholstery.
It is possible to develop and design higher-grade independent new products, obtain artificial fur fabrics with different style characteristics through various finishing methods, develop to light and thin, and create traditional thick and heavy styles of artificial fur to meet the needs of market economic development. At the same time, artificial fur can also be mixed and matched with other fabrics such as silk, denim, chiffon, lace, etc., showing multi-style characteristics.